Why a PHYSIOLOGIST Could Change Your Life!
Though Hippocrates is often credited as the “father of medicine”, it wasn’t until men like Claudius Galenus and Jean Fernel advanced his perspectives that the field of “physiology” was born. The word itself is derived from the ancient Greek and means the “study of nature, origins”. Through experimentation and observation, these early physiologists aimed to work out how it was that life operated at its core. Since then, several areas of physiology have evolved to explain how your biology is SUPPOSED to work!
Starting in the 1850’s, the field of physiology began to make huge leaps forward. Discoveries about human inflammation, cell theory and how even our muscles work brought us to understand enough about how our bodies work that modern medicine could take root. Multiple disciplines of physiology have come into being, studying various systems within the body. These disciplines include areas such as cardiovascular, endocrine (hormonal), reproductive, exercise, and many others looking into how these systems operate in both healthy and disease states.
“Make Use of Expertise.” – Delphic Maxim #057
So why consult a physiologist? Physiologists will typically have a perspective on your health that addresses the things that YOU can control, compared to a physician (who is more specialized in applying pharmaceuticals to your physiology). When seeking answers to your health questions, have you had the frustration of being told “we don’t see anything wrong” or “all your tests came back normal” so your symptoms still don’t make sense? Well, a physiological analysis of your health can find issues that have not yet precipitated to a disease, and could be the cause of those ailments. Not only that, but often even in disease states, there are underlying issues that if corrected could alleviate those diseases you’ve been battling with!
At Oracle Health, we utilize an integrated physiological approach…one that both considers and measures various systems of your health to determine YOUR optimal health path. So whether you are battling symptoms that no one seems to be able to figure out, wanting to maximize your performance, or even trying to cope with some form of disease; we will work with you and other providers to get the best results possible for your journey. Just going in for a check up with one generalist isn’t going to cut it when it comes to finding optimal health…so come on in and let us show you how integrated physiology can change your life!