MY Health Journey

As a child, I always wanted to be a doctor because helping people feel better was what made me smile the most. I was active year round in athletics including basketball, track & field, football, and martial arts; but even with excelling at those sports, something always felt off. I rarely slept more than 2-4 hours, had a bowel movement around once a week, and rarely put on the normal weight a growing kid would while I was eating well over 3000 calories per day. Through my freshman year of college, these issues persisted while my doctors and even professors told me “There’s nothing wrong with you…you are absolutely healthy!” It wasn’t until I blacked out at a local gym that any kind of testing was ever performed to look at what could be going on beneath the surface. At that point my primary care and cardiologist performed multiple assessments that led them to conclude, “Well, there are three separate anomalies here that less than 1% of the population have for each…” When I asked what that meant for me, they replied, “We won’t worry about that until you are much older.” Believe me, that was one of the most frustrating situations I had ever been in! Here I was having blackouts while exercising, not being able to sleep, not knowing that a single BM per week wasn’t normal, and STILL not getting any answers. At that point, my resolve to get the education needed to find my OWN help was determined. I graduated with my degree in Exercise Science with a minor in Leadership Psychology, while also completing Kansas’ pre-medical program requirements. During that time, I also interned with KU Medicine and realized that traditional medical schooling rarely (if ever) looked into what OPTIMAL health was supposed to look like. Traditional education was pointing me in the right direction, but was only the beginning of my discovery. If I wanted to find MY answers, I was going to have to do something more…

  • Undergraduate Degree – BA in Exercise Science, Minor in Leadership Psychology, Pre-Medicine Emphasis – 2007

  • Certification – NSCA Strength and Conditioning Specialist 2007

Then the REAL Learning Began…

After working in sports performance in the Dallas, Texas area a couple years and returning to school for my masters, I began working in a corporate gym environment. It was there that I was able to see the problems that other people in the general population were facing on a regular basis. As part of our onboarding process, we were required to meet with each of the program managers to see how they helped people through various offerings at the facility…and where I met MY guide. Marc was a nutrition coach and was also in charge of the lab testing for the facility. When I met with him, he took me through an assessment he personally used (but was not part of the company’s processes) to determine what health issues I could be dealing with. The measurements left him stunned…he looked at me and said “According to this, you’ve got dysfunctions in your metabolic system indicative of familial sugar regulation issues, stress imbalances, sex hormone dysregulation, thyroid imbalances, toxicity issues…pretty much everything that could be wrong is wrong; but you don’t look like it.” He had me take a questionnaire to compare my actual symptoms to the measurements taken, and sure enough those issues all still came up.  FINALLY someone had found something that SHOWED there were problems that could be addressed! But even then, there were no specific recommendations on how to address each of the components found to be dysfunctional.

  • Graduate Degree – Master of Education in Exercise Science, 2011

  • Certification – Precision Nutrition Level 1, 2015

It then took various labs being drawn at my own expense because they weren’t deemed “medically relevant” and a year of trial and error with supplementation and nutrition changes before one day I had a breakthrough. For the first time EVER, I was waking up before my alarm in the morning and was able to fall asleep on time. My bowel movements became regular and occurred nearly every morning. My energy levels were through the roof and I was gaining lean mass eating roughly 2000 calories per day and moderately exercising 2-3 days per week. This is what healthy was SUPPOSED to feel like, and it was the first time I had ever experienced it! From there, I resolved to become a nutrition coach and study all the research I could find on optimal health lab testing, interpretation and resulting recommendation. It took me on a journey through naturopathic medicine (for optimal health lab values), epigenetics and nutrigenomics (for how our genes respond to our environment and nutrition), and learning about how each different area of more holistic health practitioners work to create more efficient solutions for their patients.

With the understanding from the physical, nutritional, lifestyle, genetic and associated practitioner scopes; I have been able to create a systematic approach to objectively measure health issues and appropriately address or refer them for my clients. I’ve dubbed this approach Integrated Physiology because it brings all available information together to determine how your body is both programmed and is being signaled to respond to how you are living, while shining light on how it COULD be functioning if you trained it differently. Oracle Health is the culmination of that system, bringing together your psychological preferences and physical health values to create a personalized plan I decided to call your Health Atlas. This way I could be a guide for you as a mentor once was for me in my Health Journey. The 3 Gate System has streamlined my over 15 years of experience and research to deliver you SOLUTIONS. Welcome to Oracle Health, and I look forward to being your guide as you become the hero of YOUR Health Journey!

Yours in Health,

Eric Pyles, MEd, CSCS, Pn1

Integrated Physiologist

The ANSWERS You Deserve

Oracle Health is here to provide the guidance you need, so that you can travel confidently on your Heroic Health Journey

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